Saturday, February 25, 2006

this is what my mom had to say in response to this site for healing...very sad.

A blogg for “Healing?” I thought I too would post some thoughts.It would have been easier to not do so but this is necessary.Twenty months ago today my husband of 36 years went to be with His Lord.I miss him so much words could not express how I feel.BUT , I am at peace and am thankful for the time we had together.Let me tell you about this Godly man.Al’s favourite verse the last 3 years of his life was “seek ye first the Kingdom of God”Because of salvation through Jesus Christ by God’s grace he was able to truly “seek”Al love his family and prayed diligently for each child that they might truly know Jesus and walk in His ways.It was his prayer that ALL his children would repent and truly serve God …not self.He loved the Lord.Al was on very strong medication for his Parkinsons that caused him to hallucinate and to do and say things over which he had No control.Later he would always regret doing these things. Some of the things he said and did even seemed a little funny.Well, sort of, but down deep all of us here close to him (both friends and family) were concerned.Often he asked forgiveness the next day or just moments later saying he heard himself say something and could not stop saying it.He also said he did things he knew were wrong to do(ie drove to town almost a year after having no liscence) BUT he could not stop himself! There were many times that these things happened.My husband took his life when in such a state.He was NOT in control of his thoughts or actions.I know this and have many reasons for having peace about this.I find it so terribly wrong that some on this site are justifying their perpetual life of sin because of Al’s actions.He had no control.You are choosing to live a life that God says in his word will reap damnation.GOD says in His Word that to live a life like that is “worthy of death”(Romans chapter 1)YES, God IS LOVE and yet he also judges.He is a Holy But a just God.He loves us SO much that He sent His Son to die for us.Without absolutes that death would be in vain and we would have no need of a Saviour.He died to give us freedom Not to live in sin but to have victory Over sin.Jesus really sums up His whole life in John 8:29 when He says” I do always those things that please Him” It is my prayer that we ALL will seek the Lord and His righteousness that someday we too can look back and Know we have lived to please the Lord.May God help us all.Written after much prayer and with much concern and yes….. LoveMrs Alan Schaus. Kim's Mom who loves her enough to write this.


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